Category: Clients

How to create a client group

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the Dashboard, click Clients. (About Client Groups)
    Clients button on Dashboard
  3. Click Create a Group.
  4. Enter a Group Name.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow and click a client name to add it to the group. Repeat this step to add each client. If you accidentally add the wrong client or add a client twice, double-click the client name in the Clients box to remove it.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The client group now appears in the Client drop-down menu when you create a service.

How to invite clients to use

  1. Log in to your  account.
  2. On the Dashboard, click Clients. (About Clients)
  3. Click Invite Your Clients.
  4. Enter one or more email addresses. If you are entering more than one address, use a comma to separate the addresses. Do not use a space after the comma. For example:,,,
  5. Click Finish.
  6. If the clients already have a account, they now appear in your Clients list. Clients who do not have accounts appear in your Clients list after they accept your invitation and create their accounts.

About Client Groups

Use Client Groups to create subsets of clients. You can use these subsets to make services available only to select clients. For example, a massage therapist might want to offer a special rate to members of a local yoga studio. The massage therapist creates a client group and adds the yoga students to it. The massage therapist then creates a service that is only available to members of the yoga group. (About Services)

You can create client groups even if you do not have any clients to add to the group. You can add or remove clients at any time. However, if a client has booked an appointment for a service that is only available to the group, the appointment is not canceled automatically when you remove that client from the group. If you do not want to keep the appointment, cancel it manually.

About Clients

Clients are the people who request appointments with you. Once a person is in your client list, you can view their profile, view their appointment history, or send them an appointment request. You can also send a promotional email or coupon to one or more clients.

Your Clients list expands in a number of ways.  automatically adds anyone who requests an appointment with you. You can use the Invite Your Clients button to send invitations by email. If the client already has a account, they appear in your Clients list immediately. However, service providers cannot add a client to the Clients list if the client does not already have a account.

How to turn your one time “Coupon” customer into a repeat client

Once you’ve signed up for a account, you can direct your coupon customers to your businesses site on (every paid subscription gets one  for example: )  you can do this by sending out emails or requesting all your new coupon users to visit your site to book the coupon appointment with you.

When the customer clicks on an available time to book an appointment, the pop-up “schedule appointment” box will display a drop down option that let’s them select the coupon site they came from and input the coupon number.  This info will get emailed to you as part of the appointment confirmation email.  The new customers email address and information will  be added to your “clients” list on automatically.    Now you’ve accomplished two things by simply directing the new customer to your site.  1) your tracking coupons 2) you now have your new clients information.  From now on, you can send your client your own FREE coupons, marketing material, reminder cards, etc. thought the “clients” interface on

You now have a potential repeat client instead of a one time coupon customer.

How to invite your customers and clients to use

You can invite customers and clients to use to request, reschedule, and cancel appointments. Every person you invite receives an email. When they accept the invitation, they appear in your clients list.

To invite customers and clients to use

  1. Log in to your business account on
  2. In the Dashboard, click Clients.
  3. Click Invite Your Clients.
  4. Enter the email addresses of the clients you want to invite.
  5. Click Finish.